Obtain the BOSEC certificate in a few simple steps:
To certify a product or a system:
- Fill out the quotation request Certification request and send it to sales@anpi.be.
- You will receive a quotation consisting of two parts, 1 part for the laboratory tests and another one for the certification. Good to know: ANPI accepts test reports from other accredited laboratories that have signed recognition agreements with EA or ILAC. If you want to know more about the recognition conditions, please contact us at cert@anpi.be.
- Once the quotation signed, the tests can start. The tests and the certification take about approximately 3 months if the tests succeed from the first shot.
- When the product is not covered by a CE/CPR certificate (f.i.: carbon monoxide detector), a factory production control is necessary. That audit can take place during the time the product or system is being tested.
- On the basis of the test results (and the possible audit), the file is sent to the "Certification Bureau".
- In case of a positive result, you will receive a BOSEC certificate. For the first certification, a certification convention with the rights and obligations of the certificate holder will be signed.
- Each year a surveillance audit will be carried out in function of the certification scheme. When this audit is positive, the certificate is maintained. An annual fee for the use of the BOSEC mark will also be asked for. All prices for the audits and the fees are mentioned in the initial quotation. They can be revised each year according to our general sales conditions.
- The certificates have a validity period of maximum 12 years.
To certify a company:
- Fill out the quotation request certification request forms and send it to sales@anpi.be.
- You will receive a quotation including the registration costs, the initial audit, the examination for 2 candidate-experts and submitting the file to the certification bureau. Once the quotation signed:
- Apply to become a BOSEC Expert. Classes to become a BOSEC Expert are organized by A-First several times a year. You can contact them at training@afirst.be to know when classes are organized. Taking the classes is not an obligation to take the examination.
- Since the title from BOSEC Expert is linked to the company that employs him/her, it is not possible to take the examination if the company is not in the certification process or already certified.
- The examination consists of 2 parts: 1 written open book exam (often multiple choice) about the subjects mentioned in the technical annex. If you pass the written part, you can take the oral exam (case study). In order to pass, you need 50% for the written and oral part and 60% overall.
- A soon as you have at least 1 expert that passed the exam, the initial audit can take place. The audit is meant to check whether your company respects the conditions of the BOSEC Rules and 2 reference installations will be visited in order to verify their conformity with the requirements of the technical annex.
- With 1 expert and the audit report, your file will be submitted to the Certification Bureau. If positive, you will receive:
- a provisional certificate for a period of maximum 2 years with a yearly audit when the company has only 1 BOSEC Expert in the domain;
- a definitive/renewable certificate with a yearly audit when the company has 2 BOSEC Experts in the domain.
- The certificate is not limited in time and remains valid as long as the audits take place and are positive. The audits take place once a year and you also have to pay an annual fee for the use of the BOSEC mark. Those amounts are mentioned, for your information, in the initial quotation and are revised once a year according to the general sales conditions from ANPI.